Choosing the right skincare products for your skin

Why Should I Be Concerned About What Skin Care Products I Use?
Over the counter skin care products are filled with tons of chemicals. Not only do the chemicals in products cause or contribute to various internal issues like cancer, respiratory illnesses, hormone imbalances, infertility, etc., but they also don’t allow the skin to look its best by clogging pores, accelerating signs of aging, causing eczema, acne and dry skin.
- Use Fewer Products with Simpler Ingredients - Some beauty products contain carcinogens and endocrine-disrupting chemicals that increase breast cancer risk. Choose products that have lesser ingredients, the rest are just a dressing.
- Prevents Breast Cancer (That's of course!)
- Does only good for your skin - Organic beauty products are better for your skin because what you put on your skin eventually ends up in your body. Evidence abounds for the healing powers of handmade natural products, particularly when essential oils are included.
- Avoid "Fragrance" - Although it's just one little word on the ingredient label, "fragrance" can contain dozens, even hundreds, of chemicals—including hormone-disrupting phthalates and synthetic musks.
- Beware of Claims - Read labels for specific information on a product's ingredients, rather than relying on claims like "organic" or "natural." A USDA-certified organic seal means 95% or more organic ingredients. But a claim of "made with organic ingredients" or "made with natural ingredients" still leaves plenty of room for harmful synthetics. ‘Hypoallergenic’, ‘dermatologically tested’, ‘no-tears formula’,‘for sensitive skin’, ‘fragrance-free’, ‘natural’ – many of the claims on the lotions and washes we buy are just that, claims. So your best bet? The ingredients list – the only thing that (almost) never lies!
- Choose Nontoxic, Recyclable Packaging - Avoid containers that bear recycling code #3 and the letter "V", which refers to polyvinyl chloride, or PVC. Dubbed "the poison plastic," PVC poses great environmental and health hazards from manufacture to disposal
- Go Organic - Organic ingredients are those grown without synthetic fertilizers or pesticides, which is healthier for the planet and healthier for our bodies.
- Avoid products with Parabens - Parabens are used commonly as a preservative, and they easily penetrate the skin. Parabens have also been detected in breast cancer tumors, suggesting a link between them and cancer. They are also known as: Methylparaben, butylparaben, propylparaben, isobutylparaben, ethylparaben, polyparaben and isobutylparaben.
Now You Know!
Parabens, sulfates, fragrances, petrolatum, and colorants are usually pretty easy to recognize and should always be avoided. A good rule of thumb is that if you can’t pronounce it and it has a number or a dash in it, it’s best to avoid it! Now you do not have to fret over which products to buy when you are choosing your beauty product. A skin free of chemicals is a healthy and happy skin!