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Clear Skin Hydra Deluxe Facial - 6 Sessions - Kew Organics


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【新品上架】肌肤保养就靠它 – 8 World 11 NOV 2020

by admin 22 Nov 2020
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Published on 8 Day, 22 Nov 2020

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Kew Organics 孕妇也适用

[/vc_column_text][vc_single_image image="10557" img_size="large"][vc_column_text]经常戴着口罩,会导致嘴唇干裂问题,借助Kew Organics新款的”Roselle Berries Superfood”唇部去角质霜($19.50)和”Drenched in Moisture Age-Defying”唇膜($21.50),前者有助淡化唇纹,后者则可滋润唇部。
Kew Organics的配方含有有机植物成分,高度的滋养精华提供深层补水,去除死皮,让唇部恢复柔嫩,双唇看起来更丰满。不含防腐剂和转基因生物的产品,对孕妇尤其安全,连湿疹患者都能安心使用!
哪里买:Kew Organics分店、Sugar K Organic Peel Bar分店、www.keworganics.com[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]
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