'How To Achieve Makeup-Free Skin' Masterclass

Achieve clear and naturally glowing complexion without makeup. Dare To Bare!


1. Correct step-by-step skincare application techniques

Hear from Lily how she manages to look way younger than her biological age of 52 years old with her tried-and-true skincare routine; This includes tips that make sure you’re making the most out of your skincare products

2. Understand your skin condition and learn how you can achieve your skin goals, once and for all

You are unique, and so is your skin. Discover what’s causing your skin woes and the ways you can manage them through solutions tailored to you

Put an end to the frustrating cycle of trial and error with ineffective skincare products

3. Debunking beauty myths

We quash myths like “Oily skin doesn’t need moisturizer” and more

4. Learn how to read the ingredient list in your skincare products

Cetyl? Staryl? Become your own kind of skincare expert by the end of this masterclass

Familiarize yourself with the various toxic ingredients commonly found in skincare and their nefarious side effects - Confidently steer clear of toxic substances and make informed choices to safeguard your skin’s health

5. Gain a deeper, more meaningful appreciation for organic skincare

Discover what makes skincare organic and learn about the differences between non-organic skincare and organic skincare

Learn about how feeding your skin with clean, organic ingredients can benefit you from the inside out

Let's Be Clean Beauty Allies

Enjoy 2 hours of intimate masterclass with Kew Organics' founder, Lily Kew
- Personalised goodie bag worth $250
- Free-flow bubbles and nibbles

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